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10th Valencia THC Cup

Copa THC Valencia

The first edition of this Cannabis Cup took place in 2011 and has improved over the years. This year the organisation was particularly good, thanks to the efforts, dedication and enthusiasm of the Valencian THC Association. We enjoyed a special edition on January 25th as it was the tenth anniversary of the THC Cup Valencia.

This year, despite the weather conditions, the rain stopped to enjoy an event full of novelties presented in numerous stands. We updated our knowledge thanks to conferences about legislation and marijuana cultivation as well as the progress made in research on medical cannabis. We also enjoyed the Hip-Hop Battles as well as great live musical shows, such as our friend Sho-Hai and many other guest artists. We also enjoyed a wide variety of food trucks, from pizzas to paella.

Sweet Seeds®s a Valencian Seed Bank, is very proud to be one of the official sponsors of this magnificent Valencia THC Cup and we would like to thank the THC Valencia Association for its trust, organization, attention and above all for the gratitude it has given us for our collaboration during these 10 years of this great cannabis cup. It has been an honour for us!

The countdown is on for the next one, hoping that in 2021 we will be able to enjoy the 11th Valencia THC Cup.

Sweet Seeds S.L is not responsible for the misuse of the information contained in this article. Cultivation of cannabis may constitute a criminal offence or administrative misdemeanour; please refer to the legislation on cannabis in your place of residence. Sweet Seeds S.L. does not intend in any case to incite non-legal practices.