Identification data of the website owner
In compliance with the duty of information stipulated in the article 10 of Ley 34/2002 of the 11th of July of the Services of Information and Electronic Commerce Society, SWEET SEEDS, S.L. (hereinafter referred to as "SWEET SEEDS®") and as the owner of the website, proceeds to inform about the identification data required by the previously mentioned law:
Company name: SWEET SEEDS®, S.L.
Registered office address: C/ Reverendo José María Pinazo nº 9 Bj - Izqda; 46020 Valencia
CIF: B-97811616
E-mail address:
Registration data in the Registro Mercantil de Valencia: TOMO 8592, Libro 5880, Folio 114, Sección 8, Hoja VII8758
This information determines and regulates the conditions of use, the limitations of liability and the obligations that the users of the website that is published under the domain name, assume and compromise to respect.
"Page", the domain that is made available to Internet Users.
"User", physic or legal person that uses or navigates the Page.
"Content", refers to the pages that compose the entire domain, which includes the information and services that SWEET SEEDS® makes available to Internet Users. They contain messages, texts, photographs, graphics, icons, logos, technology, links, textures, drawings, sound and/or image files, recordings, software, appearance, graphic design and source codes and, in general, any kind of material contained in the Page.
"Web", a technical word that describes the system of access to information via the Internet, which is configured through pages made with HTML or similar language, and programming mechanisms such as java, javascript, PHP, or others, etc. These pages designed and published under an Internet domain name are the result of the information that the owner makes available to Internet users.
"Hyperlink", technique with which a User can navigate through different Web pages, or by Internet, with a simple click on the text, icon, button or call sign that contains the link.
"Cookies", technical means for "traceability" and tracking of navigation on websites. They are small text files that are written on the User's computer. This method has implications on privacy, so SWEET SEEDS® will advise you timely and reliably of its use when they are implemented on the Site.
Terms of use
The simple and mere use of the Page grants the status of user of the Page, whether it is a physic person or legal entity, and obligatorily implies the complete, full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the general clauses and conditions included in the Legal Notice. If the User does not comply with the clauses and conditions of use of this Legal Warning, he/she must refrain from using the Page.
This Legal Notice is subject to changes and updates, which means that the version published by SWEET SEEDS® may be different every time the User accesses the Portal. Therefore, the User must read the Legal Notice on each and every one of the occasions in which he/she accesses the Page.
Through the Page, SWEET SEEDS® allows the User to access and use various Contents published through the Internet by SWEET SEEDS® or by authorized third parties.
The User is obliged and undertakes to use the Page and Contents in accordance with current legislation, Legal Notice, and any other notice or instructions that he/she is informed of, either by means of this legal notice or in any other place within the Contents that constitute the Page, as well as with the rules of coexistence, morality and generally accepted good habits.
To these effects, the User undertakes and compromises NOT to use any of the Contents with illicit purposes or effects, prohibited in the Legal Notice or by current legislation, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or that in any way may harm, make unusable, overload, deteriorate or impede the normal use of Contents, computer equipment or documents, files and any kind of content stored on any computer equipment owned or contracted by SWEET SEEDS®, from other Users or from any Internet user (hardware and software).
Applicable legislation
The Legal Notice is ruled by Spanish law.
Copyright© 2010 - SWEET SEEDS, S.L..
All rights reserved by copyright and international intellectual property laws and treaties. It is expressly forbidden to copy them, reproduce or disseminate, in whole or in part, by any means.
For any questions that may arise regarding the interpretation, application and enforcement of this Legal Notice, as well as any claims that may arise from its use, all intervening parties submit themselves to the Judges and Tribunals of Madrid, expressly waiving any other which could correspond to them.
Page Availability
SWEET SEEDS® does not guarantee the nonexistence of interruptions or errors in the access to the Page and its Contents. SWEET SEEDS® also does not guarantee that the Contents of the Page are updated, although the company will do its best efforts to, if necessary, avoid the interruptions or errors, correct or update them. Consequently, SWEET SEEDS® shall not be liable for harm or damages of any kind produced in the User that cause failures or disconnections in the telecommunication networks that cause the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the service of the Portal during the provision of the service or with previous character.
SWEET SEEDS® excludes, with the exceptions contemplated in the current legislation, any liability for damages of any nature that may be due to the lack of availability, continuity or quality of the operation of the Page and its Contents, non-compliance with the expectation of utility that the users could have attributed to the Page and the Contents.
The function of the Hyperlinks that appear in this Web is exclusively to inform the user about the existence of other Webs that contain information on the subject. Such hyperlinks are not suggestions or recommendations at all. SWEET SEEDS® is not responsible for the contents of said linked pages, the operation or utility of Hyperlinks or the result of such links, nor does it guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in them that may cause alterations in the computer system (hardware and software), documents or files of the user, excluding any liability for damages of any kind caused to the user for this reason.
The access to the Page does not imply the obligation of SWEET SEEDS® to control the absence of viruses, worms or any other harmful computer elements. It is the User's responsibility, in any case, to provide adequate tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful software. Therefore, SWEET SEEDS® is not responsible for possible security errors that may occur during the provision of the Page’s service, nor of the possible damages that can be caused to the computer system of the user or third parties (hardware and software), the files or documents stored in the same, as a result of the presence of virus in the computer of the user used for the connection to the services and contents of the Web, a malfunction of the browser or the use of non-updated versions of the browser.
Page Quality
Due to the dynamic and changing environment of the information and services provided through the Page, SWEET SEEDS® does its best effort, but does not guarantee the complete truthfulness, accuracy, reliability, usefulness and/or timeliness of the Contents.
The information contained in the pages that constitute this Portal is only informative, consultative and advertising. In no case do they offer, nor constitute binding or contractual character of commitment.
Return policy
You have 14 days from the day you received the order to request a return.
To do this, the product must be unopened and in the same condition that you received it.
Please send an email with the subject “Refund Order + Order No.” to
Keep in mind, the return delivery costs will be deducted from the amount to be refunded.
Return delivery costs:
· Mainland Spain and Balearic Islands: 12€
· Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, France, Greece, Italy, Sweden, Poland, Netherlands, Ireland, Finland, Czech Republic: 20€