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How to make an authentic Italian cannabis tiramisu

Of all the classic, irresistible puddings, we had to share our easy recipe for this magnificent dessert, which so many of you have requested – cannabis tiramisu!

Tiramisu is a cold Italian pudding with an intense coffee flavour. It basically consists of two layers of sponge fingers, which have previously been dipped in coffee, covered with mascarpone cream cheese.

On the other hand, if you are not a big fan of coffee, you can use matcha instead, another delicious option!

Preparation time: 30 minutes, plus at least 4 hours chilling in the refrigerator.

Difficulty: easy.

Ingredients for cannabis tiramisu (6–8 servings)

  • 70 g of sugar.
  • 2 large eggs (or 3 medium) at room temperature.
  • 400 g of mascarpone cheese.
  • 30 gr of cannabis butter.
  • 200 mL of coffee.
  • Savoiardi sponge fingers. The number may vary depending on the size of the cake tin.
  • Pure cacao powder.
  • A pinch of salt.

Preparation of marijuana tiramisu

Start by preparing a pot of coffee. Then leave it to cool.

Separate the egg yolks from the whites, placing them in two bowls. Remember, the eggs must be at room temperature.

Add a pinch of salt to the egg whites and whisk by hand until a foam forms. As soon as the foam appears, mix with a blender till they form stiff peaks.

Now take the bowl with the yolks, add 70 g of sugar and beat thoroughly until the mixture takes on a light yellow colour.

Melt the cannabis butter, either using a bain-marie or heating for short periods in a microwave, and combine with the yolks and sugar while stirring to obtain a uniform mixture.

Now add the mascarpone cheese and mix until smooth and creamy.

Take the bowl of yolks, sugar, cannabis butter and mascarpone cheese and gradually add the beaten egg whites. Carefully fold the egg whites into the mascarpone mixture using a spatula to avoid losing the spongy texture. Set our cannabis mascarpone cream to one side.

ingredientes tiramisúcaféDerretir mantequillaSeparamos claras de las llemasBatir clarasMezclamos yemas con azúcarAñadimos mantequilla de marihuanaAñadimos queso mascarponeIncorporamo claras

Pour the cold coffee into a bowl and submerge the sponge fingers one by one. Be careful not to soak them for too long or they might break into pieces. Arrange the soaked fingers in a cake tin to form the bottom layer of our tiramisu.

Once you have covered the bottom of the tin, pour half of the cannabis mascarpone cheese mixture over the fingers.

Repeat the process with more sponge fingers, soaking them in coffee and creating a new layer on top of the mascarpone cream, then add the rest of the cannabis mascarpone cheese mixture over the second layer of fingers.

Decorating the cannabis tiramisu

Use a sieve to dust a teaspoonful of pure cacao powder across the top of the marijuana tiramisu until covered completely.

Allow the tiramisu to stand

Cover the tin with cling film, make sure it is pulled tight as it is important that the film doesn’t touch the tiramisu. Place in the refrigerator to stand for at least 4 hours.

Now you just have to be patient before you can enjoy your delicious cannabis tiramisu!

Preparamos caféMojamos bizcochosColocamos una capa de crema mascarponeRepetimos procesoEspolvoreamos cacaoTiramisú cannábico


Sweet Seeds S.L is not responsible for the misuse of the information contained in this article. Cultivation of cannabis may constitute a criminal offence or administrative misdemeanour; please refer to the legislation on cannabis in your place of residence. Sweet Seeds S.L. does not intend in any case to incite non-legal practices.