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Cannabic Ham Croquettes

Today we are bringing a very special recipe that is a must among the typical snacks of the Spanish cuisine: croquettes.

Keep in mind that it is a very versatile recipe, so you can do it with different variations of ingredients: chicken, meat, prawns, etc. They are all delicious.

So, if you are a ‘croquetero’ lover, and a Sweet Seeds® lover you can’t miss this delicious recipe.

Ingredients (for 10-15 units)

  • 100 grams of “serrano” ham
  • 1 onion
  • Flour
  • Bread crumbs
  • 2 eggs for the batter
  • Frying oil
  • Béchamel sauce

Ingredients for the béchamel sauce

  • ½ litre of milk
  • 40 grams of flour
  • 50 grams of cannabis butter
  • Pan rallado
  • Salt and nutmeg

Béchamel preparation:

Place a casserole over low heat, add the cannabis butter and let it melt completely. We can use this timing opportunity to chop the onion and then poach it in the butter.

When the cannabis butter is completely liquid and the onion is already cooked, we add the flour to toast it for one or two minutes. You will have to mix it quickly so that the ingredients are adequately incorporated all together. Let it cool down.

Then, place the casserole over low heat and add some natural or warm milk (half a glass) and with the help of some rods, stir until everything is very well mixed. Then, add the rest of the milk and stir without stopping to prevent lumps from forming or sticking to the casserole.

Now we add a pinch of salt and nutmeg and the previously chopped ham into small taquitos and keep stirring for about 10 to 15 min.

When the cannabis béchamel sauce is ready we will pour it into a bowl and cover it with plastic wrap, placing it in contact with the sauce, and thus avoid creating scab. Let it cool to room temperature and refrigerate in the fridge until it completely cools down.

cannabis béchamelslice ham and onionWe added marijuana butterWe suffer from onionHave onionWe toast flourWe add milkNutmegAdd hamPouring dough on a trayWe cover with film paper

Croquette preparation:

Now it’s time to give shape to our cannabic ham croquettes.

To start, we will use 3 deep plates: one with the flour; another with the beaten eggs; and the last one with the breadcrumbs.

Then we shape our croquettes and batter each one of them for each dish in the same order: first for the flour, then for the egg and then for the breadcrumbs.

Prepare a deep pan or saucepan and heat plenty of oil. When it is very hot, use it to fry the croquettes until they acquire a golden brown tone on both sides.

Once fried, place them on a plate with paper towels to absorb the excess of oil.

And… Time to enjoy your cannabic ham croquettes!

Shaping the kibbleFlour batterLet's dip into the eggWe batter in breadcrumbsWe do the same with all the doughWe fry the kibbleMarijuana Croquettes


Sweet Seeds S.L is not responsible for the misuse of the information contained in this article. Cultivation of cannabis may constitute a criminal offence or administrative misdemeanour; please refer to the legislation on cannabis in your place of residence. Sweet Seeds S.L. does not intend in any case to incite non-legal practices.

Texto: Sweet Seeds