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Mexican Bread of the Dead

Today, a traditional Mexican recipe for All Saints’ Day: Bread of the Dead.

It is a sweet bread with a dough like that of a brioche. This recipe is a little long because of the fermentation the dough needs, but the result will be worth it. This Cannabic bread of the dead is perfect for breakfast and snacks.

Ingredient for sourdough


  • 70 g of bread flour
  • 90 ml whole milk
  • 2 medium eggs
  • 21 g fresh yeast
  • 20 g sugar
  • 1 tbsp orange blossom extract


Ingredients for the dough


  • Sourdough
  • 330 g of bread flour
  • 80 g sugar
  • 5 g salt
  • 95 g cannabis butter
  • 1 egg yolk
  • Zest of one orange





Preparation of the sourdough

Bring the milk to a boil for one minute and then let it cool a little.

In a bowl, place the chopped yeast, sugar and lukewarm milk. Mix to completely dissolve the ingredients in the milk.

Add the 2 eggs and mix vigorously. Add the flour and mix to remove lumps.

Add a teaspoon of orange blossom extract.

Let stand until the sourdough has tripled in volume (about 25 minutes). Knead again and repeat three times.

Ingredientes prefermentoHervir lechelevadura prefermentoleche templada prefermentoreposar prefermento

Preparation of the bread of the dead

Place the sourdough in a large container and add the orange zest, sugar, egg yolk and mix the ingredients vigorously.

Add salt and sifted flour (sieving will give the bread an airier texture). Mix to remove lumps. Cover the mixture and let stand for 20 minutes.

Prepare a clean, dry surface to knead the dough for about ten minutes.

Add half of the marijuana butter to the dough of the cannabic bread of the dead. Repeat kneading with the other half of the cannabic butter: the dough will no longer stick to the kneading surface.

Place the dough in a container coated with sunflower oil. Cover and let it rest for about an hour so that the bread of the dead doubles in volume. Knead again for one minute.

Ingredientes Pan de muerto de marihuanaHervir lecheIncluimos todos los ingredientesIncorporamos harina tamizadaMasa reposadaAmasamos muy bienAñadimos mantequilla cannábicaDejamos reposar masa

Separate 95 g of dough for topping our cannabic breads of the dead. Separate the remaining dough into two equal parts and form two balls that you place on a baking tray.

Add a little flour (about 5 g) to the 95 g of dough reserved for topping. This will keep them in shape during cooking. Take 4 portions of 20 g each and divide the rest in half. Shape these 4 bone-shaped portions (see photo) and place them on the breads. Place the two remaining balls in the centre of the breads as follows:

Once the breads are decorated, coat them with a little sunflower oil and let them rest so that they double in size (about an hour).

Dividimos masa de pan muertoDamos forma a los huesitosDecoramos pan de muerto cannábicoDejamos reposar pan de muerto cannábico


Preheat the oven sole to 175ºC before the end of fermentation. Place a small empty dish at the bottom of the oven.

Once the breads have doubled in size, pour 100 ml of boiling water into the empty container to create steam. It is advisable to use gloves for this operation.

Wait 5 minutes and then turn the oven to rotary heat (heat up and down for conventional ovens) and bake for another 20-25 minutes.

Remove the cannabic breads of the dead and let them cool on a rack.

Agua en fondo hornoHorneado pan de muerto de marihuanaDejamos enfriar Pan de muerto en rejilla


Cover the breads with cannabic butter ointment and then sprinkle the sugar.

All that’s left is to taste these irresistible breads!

Untar mantequilla cannábicaEchamos azucarPAn de muerto de marihuana


Sweet Seeds S.L is not responsible for the misuse of the information contained in this article. Cultivation of cannabis may constitute a criminal offence or administrative misdemeanour; please refer to the legislation on cannabis in your place of residence. Sweet Seeds S.L. does not intend in any case to incite non-legal practices.