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How to cook cannabis truffles


  • 125 mL of cream
  • 40 g of cannabis butter
  • 25 g of invert sugar syrup
  • 175 g of dark chocolate
  • 50 g of cocoa powder
  • 50 g of melted dark chocolate for the coating


Break the 175 g of dark chocolate into chunks and place it in a bowl.

Cut the cannabis butter into cubes and place to one side.

Heat the cream in a saucepan over medium heat until it boils. Now pour the cream over the chocolate in the bowl and stir with a silicone spatula.

Add sugar to the bowl and mix well with a blender.

When the mixture is at around 38 °C, add the cannbutter and mix it in with the aid of the blender.

Pour the mixture into a container and cover with cling film.

Place it in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Once it the mixture has hardened, scoop up small portions with a spoon and form balls in your hands, them return to the refrigerator until you are ready to coat them.

Place the cocoa powder in a bowl or dish. Melt the other 50 g of chocolate in a bowl and dip the balls in until you cover your finger tips, this will ensure the cocoa powder sticks to the truffles.

Finally, roll each ball in the cocoa powder for the finishing touch.



Sweet Seeds S.L is not responsible for the misuse of the information contained in this article. Cultivation of cannabis may constitute a criminal offence or administrative misdemeanour; please refer to the legislation on cannabis in your place of residence. Sweet Seeds S.L. does not intend in any case to incite non-legal practices.


Texto: Sweet Seed