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How to make marijuana milk?

There are certain basic recipes in cooking with marijuana, and one of them is marijuana milk. It is very simple to prepare and can be enjoyed as is or included in a multitude of récipes.

The cannabis is liposoluble, which means that to liberate its cannabinoides, and therefore that it makes effect, it has to be mixed with a fat by means of a process of heat. The milk that we are going to infuse with cannabis must be whole, to do it with skimmed milk we would not obtain the desired effects by its low content in fat.


  • 1 litre of whole milk
  • Approximately 4 grams of marijuana
  • A pot
  • A strainer
  • Gauze or cloth filter

Let’s go!

The first thing you will have to do is crush the marijuana with a grinder to have it prepared, it is important to crumble it well.

Once you have the marijuana well grinded we reserve it. While in a pot we pour the liter of milk and heat it to medium fire. Do not let it boil.

We add the grinded marijuana and stir with the spatula from time to time.

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Be patient! This process will take about an hour, while stirring from time to time, while the milk bubbles gently.

Remove from the fire and let it harden.

Once you have cooled our cannabic milk, you will have to filter it with the help of a strainer or gauze to the container where you are going to keep it.

Remember that the gauze or the filter are essential so that no vegetable residue can pass into our cannabic milk.

It’s easy, right?

Now you’re doing it! Now you can put your marijuana milk in the fridge and use it fresh, make a milkshake, and lots of other recipes.


Sweet Seeds S.L is not responsible for the misuse of the information contained in this article. Cultivation of cannabis may constitute a criminal offence or administrative misdemeanour; please refer to the legislation on cannabis in your place of residence. Sweet Seeds S.L. does not intend in any case to incite non-legal practices.

Texto: Sweet Seeds®