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Pizza with Cannabis pesto

Pizza is a legendary and irresistible dish whose only evocation blows you away and makes you dream of melted cheese, tomatoes and oregano

Here comes our contribution, simple and delicious, whose only “complication” will be the preparation of the dough.

Of course, to be a recipe of our blog it must be a cannabic pizza… Any better ingredient for a pizza?

Pizza de cannabis

Ingredients for the dough:

  • 300 g of hard flour (bread flour)
  • 200 ml lukewarm water
  • 7 g fresh yeast (or 2.5 g dry yeast)
  • 15 g oil
  • 1 tbsp. salt

Topping ingredients

  • Tomato coulis
  • 100 g Mozzarella
  • 4 artichoke hearts
  • An onion sliced into julienne strips
  • Mushrooms
  • 60 ml cannabic pesto

Preparation of the dough

Sieve the flour and salt on to a clean work surface and make a well in the middle.

If the water is too fresh you can heat it in the microwave for a few seconds. The water must be between 25 and 35ºC, never above 50ºC.

Once the water has reached the desired temperature, dilute the yeast and pour the mixture into the flour while stirring gently.

Add the oil while mixing so that the flour absorbs the water and the mixture is no more liquid.

Knead the dough on a floured surface until it no longer sticks to your fingers and is compact.

Stretching the dough to the end of the floured surface before forming a kind of sausage and repeating the operation several times will help to obtain an elastic texture.

Once ready, roll the dough into a ball and coat it with olive oil (this will prevent the surface of the dough from drying out). Leave it to rest in a deep bowl and cover it with a damp cloth (at least one hour so that it doubles in volume).

Divide the ball in half. You can make two pizzas or freeze what you won’t use.

Stretch the dough with your hands to form a circle and roll it down to the desired thickness. Let it rest for 15-20 minutes.

Preparing the pesto pizza

Start by preheating the oven to the maximum (250ºC or 300ºC, if your oven allows it).

Put the dough on an oven tray and place the topping: tomatoes coulis, mozzarella, artichokes, chopped onion and mushrooms.

Put the pizza in the oven for 8-10 minutes. To check that the dough is cooked, you can gently lift the pizza with a spatula. If the bottom of the dough is golden, the Pizza with Cannabis is ready!

Once the pizza is out of the oven, you only have to cover it with cannabic pesto, drink a cold beer and enjoy!

Vary the topping ingredients to suit your taste!

ingredientes Pizza cannábica Hacer un volcán con la harina Añadir levadura Amasar Añadir aceite Dejar reposar masa de pizza cannábica Tras esperar masa habrá duplicado su tamaño Estirar masa de pizza añadir ingredientes añadir pesto cannábico Cortar pizza de marihuana


Sweet Seeds S.L is not responsible for the misuse of the information contained in this article. Cultivation of cannabis may constitute a criminal offence or administrative misdemeanour; please refer to the legislation on cannabis in your place of residence. Sweet Seeds S.L. does not intend in any case to incite non-legal practices.

Texto: Sweet Seeds®Texto: Sweet Seeds®