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Cannabis pancakes

Pancakes are the typical American breakfast. They are known by many names (pancakes, crêpes, tortitas…) but the result is the same, an irresistible delight.

Please, let us introduce our sweet variation: the Cannabic pancakes. It’s easy and quick to prepare.

Are you ready?


Tortitas de marihuana


Preheat over medium heat the pan you will use to cook the Cannabic pancakes.

Sift and mix the flour, the baking powder, the sugar and the salt in a bowl.

Mix the melted cannabis butter, the milk and the egg in another bowl.

Now mix the dry mixture and the liquid preparation until you obtain a homogeneous and lump-free dough.

Coat the pan with oil and melt a knob of butter (the oil will prevent the butter from turning black). Butter will give marijuana pancakes a more subtle flavour and consistency.

Pour the desired amount of Cannabic dough into the pan using a ladle. Cook until bubbles appear on the surface. You can then turn it over and cook the other side for about 40 seconds.

Ingredientes tortitas de marihuana Tamizar harina y polvos para hornear 1 huevo Añadir leche Añadir manteequilla cannábica Incorporamos harina y mezclamos En sartén caliente, vertemos mezcla Cocinamos por ambos lados Repetimos proceso con toda la masa Pancakes cannábicos

Note: Of course, you can let your imagination run wild and add to the dough blueberries, bananas, raspberries, chocolate chips, dried fruit, etc.

Servimos las tortitas a modo torre, unas encima de otras, y las bañaremos por encima con sirope, miel, Nutella, sirope de chocolate… Hay mil alternativas. ¡Es un desayuno o merienda de rechupete!


Sweet Seeds S.L is not responsible for the misuse of the information contained in this article. Cultivation of cannabis may constitute a criminal offence or administrative misdemeanour; please refer to the legislation on cannabis in your place of residence. Sweet Seeds S.L. does not intend in any case to incite non-legal practices.