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Marijuana Hamburger Recipe

Hamburgers are a straightforward, tasty and very popular dish, they are a perfect dish to enjoy with your friends and family. But if you want a unique taste and a really fun experience, try our marijuana burgers for something a bit special.

However, don’t forget that it can take some time after eating marijuana before the effects kick in. So enjoy your tasty burger, then patiently wait until you feel the effects.

Let’s get started with our cannabis burgers, it’s a really simple recipe.

Are you ready?

Ingredients Cannabis Hamburguers:

  • 500 g of minced beef (or a vegan equivalent)
  • 0.5 g of a marijuana bud, decarboxylated and finely chopped.
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Seasoning (salt, pepper, garlic)
  • Hamburger buns
  • Lettuce, tomato, onion, gherkins or whatever complements take your fancy
  • Sauces.
  • Cheese.


1. The first step is to decarboxylate the marijuana. Place your marijuana in the oven for around 15 minutes at a low temperature of 115 °C.

2. Once cooled, grind the decarboxylated weed until its very fine.

3. Place the minced beef, finely ground marijuana, beaten egg, some breadcrumbs and your favourite spices in a bowl. Stir with a wooden spoon or spatula until all the ingredients are well mixed.

4. Divide the mixture into two portions and squash them on a clean surface until they are the required thickness.

5. Heat a little oil in a frying pan or grill pan. When the oil is fairly hot, place your cannabis burgers in the pan and cook on both sides until they are done to your preference; rare, well done or anywhere in between.

6. Finally, fill the burger buns with all your favourite ingredients – tomatoes, lettuce, gherkins, whatever sauces you like, cheese, etc. – and then finish off with your delicious marijuana burgers.

Now just enjoy every mouth-watering bite!

From Sweet Seeds® we hope you enjoy each of our recipes.

Preparar Hamburguesa Cannabicadedos de quesoHamburguesa CannabicaHamburguesa CannabicaHamburguesa CannabicaHamburguesa CannabicaHamburguesa CannabicaHamburguesa CannabicaHamburguesa CannabicaHamburguesa CannabicaHamburguesa CannabicaHamburguesa CannabicaHamburguesa CannabicaHamburguesa CannabicaHamburguesa CannabicaHamburguesa Cannabica


Sweet Seeds S.L is not responsible for the misuse of the information contained in this article. Cultivation of cannabis may constitute a criminal offence or administrative misdemeanour; please refer to the legislation on cannabis in your place of residence. Sweet Seeds S.L. does not intend in any case to incite non-legal practices.

Texto: @Sweet Seeds